Mag 13 , 2020 | In primo piano
ECSA and the European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) sent a joint letter to the European Commissioner for Transport, requesting her assistance in ensuring EU-wide coordination on implementing the IMO’s ‘Framework of Protocols for ensuring safe...
Mag 11 , 2020 | In primo piano
May 11, 2020 Download free Coronavirus (COVID-19) guidance to help protect the health of seafarers (and passengers) as well as the general public here. The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has issued guidance developed by the International Chamber of Shipping...
Mag 6 , 2020 | In primo piano
May 06, 2020 Comprehensive ‘roadmap’ developed by a supply chain coalition led by industry and unions in cooperation with UN agencies 12-step plan issued by International Maritime Organization provides a route forward for governments on how to facilitate...
Mag 4 , 2020 | In primo piano
Grazie alle iniziative intraprese da Confitarma e alla sensibilità e responsabilità manifestata dalle competenti Amministrazioni, nonché dalle OO.SS., vengono sbloccate alcune importanti questioni per semplificare, per quanto possibile, l’operatività delle navi nella...