Mag 14 , 2020 | In primo piano
Comprising five documents, the package touched on a common approach to lifting restrictions of free movement within the EU’s internal borders, a common framework to support the gradual re-establishment of transport, common criteria and principles for tourism...
Mag 13 , 2020 | In primo piano
ECSA and the European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) sent a joint letter to the European Commissioner for Transport, requesting her assistance in ensuring EU-wide coordination on implementing the IMO’s ‘Framework of Protocols for ensuring safe...
Mag 12 , 2020 | Comunicati stampa
Confitarma esprime forte preoccupazione e delusione per il mancato accoglimento delle sue istanze nelle bozze del Decreto Rilancio circolate oggi sulla stampa “Non è stato dato nulla a chi ha dato tanto in questo periodo – afferma Mario Mattioli, presidente di...