Nov 15 , 2019 | In primo piano
On behalf of the European shipping industry, ECSA warmly welcomes the confirmation of Adina Ioana Vălean as the new Transport Commissioner-designate, after the hearing at the European Parliament held yesterday. Of Romanian nationality, Ms Vălean has been active in...
Nov 15 , 2019 | In primo piano
To rectify statements put forward by organisations such as the Clean Shipping Coalition, ECSA stresses the IMO’s Intersessional Working Group meeting that took place this week in London was good and fruitful preparatory work. “We strongly believe that...
Nov 14 , 2019 | In primo piano
Il 14 novembre, Anna Maria Anders, Ambasciatrice della Repubblica di Polonia a Roma, ha incontrato nella sede di Confitarma il Direttore di Confitarma Luca Sisto con quale si è intrattenuta sui temi di politica marittima e su problematiche comuni allo shipping dei due...
Nov 13 , 2019 | In primo piano
Following the attack on Norwegian-flagged bulk carrier ‘MV BONITA’ on 4 November, yet another incident happened later that day on Greek vessel ‘ELKA ARISTOTLE’ resulting in the abduction of four of its crew members. The shipping industry is extremely concerned about...
Nov 13 , 2019 | In primo piano
Il Monthly Monitoring Report october 2019 dell’ECSA è disponibile nella sezione News dell’area riservata del sito.