Ott 28 , 2019 | In primo piano
ECSA is launching its ambitious Maritime Growth plan today at an event attended by Member States, the European Commission, the European Parliament and its social partners. The Maritime transport sector is vital to the lives of Europeans and is of great strategic...
Ott 24 , 2019 | Eventi, In primo piano
Al termine dell’Assemblea annuale di Confitarma si terrà il Convegno “Il Mediterraneo. Quale navigazione? Quali rotte per l’Italia?” organizzato da Confitarma in collaborazione con Diplomatia e Istituto Italiano di Navigazione
Ott 23 , 2019 | In primo piano, Studi
La brochure dell’IMO sulla riduzione dei gas serra prodotti dallo shipping mondiale è disponibile cliccando qui
Ott 17 , 2019 | In primo piano
The Gulf of Guinea remains a high-risk area for piracy and armed robbery. European shipowners are extremely concerned about the escalating rate of piracy incidents and the continued levels of violence in the Gulf of Guinea. The latest International Maritime Bureau...