Mar 12 , 2019 | In primo piano
Il 12 marzo, a Roma presso Villa Lubin, sono stati celebrati i 60 anni dall’istituzione del Consiglio Nazionale dell’Economia e del Lavoro. Com’è cambiata la rappresentanza dei lavoratori e delle imprese negli ultimi 60 anni? Questa la domanda posta...
Mar 9 , 2019 | In primo piano
Vigilance Essential Despite Reduction to Piracy High Risk Area in the Indian Ocean The Round Table of international shipping associations plus the OCIMF, representing the global shipping and oil industry have announced that the geographic boundaries of the ‘High Risk...
Mar 8 , 2019 | In primo piano
European Community Shipowners’ Associations (ECSA) has unveiled its strategic priorities for EU shipping policy, which will guide the association’s activities vis-à-vis International and European regulators for the next five years. At a high-level event in Brussels,...