Giu 9 , 2021 | Comunicati stampa
“Lo shipping ha già avviato la transizione ecologica riducendo le emissioni di Co2 ed anche il tenore di zolfo nei combustibili. Certamente il GNL e tutte le altre tecnologie già installate a bordo delle nostre navi più green, contribuiranno alla transizione, entro il...
Giu 9 , 2021 | In primo piano
9 June 2021 The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) has warned that without decisive government signals declining levels of Maritime research and development could jeopardise industry’s ability to decarbonise. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA),...
Giu 8 , 2021 | In primo piano
In this issue: Connect your expertise with EMSA: New e-Portal for Experts & Speakers; “Towards Zero Emissions Shipping” – EMSA workshop held on EMD2021; CISE in the maritime domain – workshop held on EMD2021; Baltic Sea countries participate in first...
Giu 8 , 2021 | In primo piano
03 June 2021 A recent study on the upcoming FuelEU Maritime proposal finds that a promotion of biofuels may raise serious enforcement concerns, as a mandatory fuel standard is aimed to apply to fuels purchased also outside the EU. This could jeopardise the achievement...