Nov 26 , 2020 | In primo piano
25 November 2020 The Round Table of international shipping associations pen open letter to Amazon boss Jeff Bezos – 90% of global trade relies on shipping – underpinning success of key retail dates like Black Friday and Cyber Monday – COVID-19 and GHG...
Nov 26 , 2020 | Comunicati stampa
Il 26 novembre, Luca Sisto, Direttore Generale di Confitarma, ha partecipato al Panel “The development of the blue economy of the Mediterranean is an inestimable possibility to solve many of the challenges and to improve the livelihood of the...
Nov 25 , 2020 | In primo piano
25 November 2020 ECSA and the ETF are happy to announce that they have appointed ‘Image Line Communications’ as the lead agency to support them with the implementation of the priority actions identified in their joint declaration of intention on the enhanced...