Mar 18 , 2022 | In primo piano
In this issue: EMSA offers enhanced maritime awareness for operations in Somalia and Libya through agreements signed with EU Naval Missions; Innovative course on the training, examination and certification of seafarers commences within the context of the BCSEA...
Mar 15 , 2022 | In primo piano
The updated submission to IMO builds on the comprehensive IMRF proposal put forward in 2021 by the shipping industry Monday 15th March 2022. Representatives of the global shipping industry, supported by governments, have laid out proposals on how a planned...
Mar 15 , 2022 | Comunicati stampa
Il 14 marzo Confitarma è stata audita dalle Commissioni riunite VIII (Ambiente) e X (Attività Produttive) della Camera dei deputati, nell’ambito dell’esame del disegno di legge di conversione in legge del DL n. 17 del 2022: Misure urgenti per il...