Set 20 , 2021 | Eventi, In primo piano
Festival di Limes: Medioceano, la terra vista dal mare – Trieste, 18 e 19 settembre Luca Sisto, direttore generale di Confitarma: ” Occorre ripensare l’industria marittima nazionale. Il porto deve essere guardato (e pensato) dal mare. Invece, per non...
Set 17 , 2021 | In primo piano
17 September 2021 Shaping the Future of Shipping at COP26 will be held in Glasgow at the University of Strathclyde’s Technology and Innovation Centre London, 17th September: Global shipping bodies have revealed a host of high-profile names who will be attending...
Set 15 , 2021 | In primo piano
Il 14 Settembre, il Comandante Generale del Corpo delle Capitanerie di porto – Guardia Costiera, Ammiraglio Ispettore Capo Nicola Carlone ha ricevuto, presso la sede del Comando generale, il Presidente di Confitarma, Mario Mattioli accompagnato dal Direttore generale,...
Set 13 , 2021 | In primo piano
Seafarer during the COVID-19 pandemic. Credit: Shutterstock London, Monday 13 September – On the first day of London International Shipping Week, the International Chamber of Shipping has published new and updated guidance to protect seafarers and shipowners against...
Set 9 , 2021 | In primo piano
In this month’s edition, we go behind the scenes of the launch of the European Maritime Transport Environmental Report – the first report of its kind! We’re at the biggest oil pollution response exercise in Northern Europe, and we catch up with the Connecting Europe...
Set 6 , 2021 | In primo piano
London, September 6th, 2021. The global trade association for ship operators, the International Chamber of Shipping, (ICS) has put forward a comprehensive proposal for a global levy on carbon emissions from ships, in what would be a first for any industrial sector....