Apr 7 , 2021 | In primo piano
In this issue: First meeting of the year for EMSA’s Administrative Board; Popular workshop on Shore-Side Electricity gathers valuable feedback for EMSA’s ongoing guidance project; Pollution response services: Annual Report of Drills and Exercises available online;...
Mar 31 , 2021 | In primo piano
L’ICS ha pubblicato il primo numero della nuova Newsletter mensile, disponibile a questo link: https://www.ics-shipping.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/ICS-Leadership-Insights-newsletter-April-2021.pdf. Chi desidera ricevere la Newsletter direttamente al proprio...
Mar 31 , 2021 | In primo piano
In this issue: International Women’s Day 2021: Inclusive and gender balanced sectors more efficient and successful; EMSA sets out priorities for the year ahead in recently published ‘Outlook 2021’; EMSA responds to Belgian authorities’ request for institutional...
Mar 30 , 2021 | In primo piano
“Along with the wider shipping community, ICS is pleased and relieved by the news that the Ever Given has been successfully refloated, and that traffic will begin to return to normal in the Suez Canal in the coming week. We applaud the team which led this herculean...
Mar 26 , 2021 | In primo piano
26 March 2021 Oxford University vaccine trial. Credit: University of Oxford, John Cairns 26 March 2021: The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) has welcomed the joint statement signed by the heads of five UN bodies calling for seafarers to be prioritised for...
Mar 26 , 2021 | In primo piano
25 March 2021 Ever Given ran aground on 23 March and continues to block the Suez Canal. Credit fallenhearts17 – Instagram The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) has released a statement on the ongoing blockage of the Suez Canal by the ship Ever Given, noting...