Dic 10 , 2020 | In primo piano
2020-12-10 Welcoming the new Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy published today by the European Commission, ECSA, underlines the importance of maintaining and improving the competitiveness of the sector as the prerequisite to attaining the ambitions set in the...
Dic 9 , 2020 | In primo piano
Il Monthly Monitoring Report November 2020 dell’ECSA è disponibile nella sezione News dell’area riservata del sito.
Dic 7 , 2020 | In primo piano
I 42 Stati membri dell’UfM – Unione per il Mediterraneo, riuniti a Barcellona, hanno dichiarato la “Giornata internazionale del Mediterraneo” che verrà celebrata ogni anno il 28 novembre. L’obiettivo della celebrazione è promuovere...
Dic 2 , 2020 | In primo piano
2 December 2020 Action Required: To share the details of the UN General Assembly resolution urging Member States to designate seafarers and other marine personnel as key workers with key stakeholders and national media contacts. The International Chamber of Shipping...
Dic 2 , 2020 | In primo piano
2 December 2020 On behalf of the whole European shipping industry, ECSA welcomes the resolution adopted by the United Nations General Assembly, calling for all countries to designate seafarers and other maritime workers as key workers, to implement relevant measures...
Dic 2 , 2020 | In primo piano
Il 1° dicembre 2020, la 75^ sessione dell’Assemblea generale delle Nazioni Unite ha adottato la risoluzione “International cooperation to address challenges faced by seafarers as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic to support global supply chains”, presentata...