Mar 18 , 2020 | In primo piano
The shipping industry urgently needs special regulatory measures and actions to prevent a total collapse of seaborne trade to and from the EU Dear Minister, The outbreak of the corona virus (COVID-19) has developed into a catastrophic event affecting many countries...
Mar 12 , 2020 | In primo piano
ECSA welcomes the Declaration on Waterborne Transport issued yesterday at the High Level Maritime Ministerial Conference organised by the Croatian Presidency in Opatija. Entitled “Towards a carbon-neutral, zero accidents, automated and competitive EU...
Mar 5 , 2020 | In primo piano
Il Monthly Monitoring Report march 2020 dell’ECSA è disponibile nella sezione News dell’area riservata del sito.
Mar 5 , 2020 | In primo piano
Mar 05, 2020 Document produced in collaboration with international bodies; WHO, IMO, ECDC and IMHA. Thursday 5th March – The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) has issued brand new guidance for the global shipping industry to help combat the spread of the...
Mar 2 , 2020 | In primo piano
1 March 2020 – Port state control authorities will begin to enforce the IMO’s Sulphur 2020 from 1st March, making it an offense for ships to carry fuel that contains a sulphur content higher than 0.5 percent unless the ship has an Exhaust Gas Cleaning System. The...