Feb 6 , 2020 | In primo piano
The number of ship’s crewmembers being kidnapped in the Gulf of Guinea increased by more than 50% in 2019 and this year has begun with a further escalation of violence, armed robbery and kidnaping. The crisis is deepening – pirates are bolder and taking greater...
Feb 5 , 2020 | In primo piano
The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) has confirmed that it will be holding its Annual Conference on Saturday, 14 November 2020 at COP26 in Glasgow, Scotland. The announcement recognises the importance that the board of ICS places on addressing climate change....
Gen 31 , 2020 | In primo piano
ECSA insists that the only and most economically sensible future is for the EU and the UK to remain an integrated and seamless shipping centre Brexit discussions have brought to the forefront how interrelated EU-UK supply and logistics chains are. Maintaining the...
Gen 30 , 2020 | In primo piano
Il 30 gennaio, Luca Sisto, Direttore generale di Confitarma, è intervenuto alla trasmissione “Dentro i fatti” (TGCOM24) dedicata all’impatto del coronavirus sui mercati mondiali. Il video del suo intervento disponibile su Instagram al seguente link:...
Gen 28 , 2020 | In primo piano
The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), the global shipping body representing 80% of the world’s merchant fleet, is advising its membership to take steps that limit the spread of the novel Corona Virus (2019-nCov). The instructions reflect advice given from the...
Gen 27 , 2020 | Eventi, In primo piano
Roma, 27 gennaio 2020. Presso la sede di Confitarma, si è tenuto il workshop “La criminalizzazione del comandante della nave: criticità e prospettive”, organizzato dall’Istituto Italiano di Navigazione (IIN), su proposta del Sindacato Comandanti e Direttori di...