Giu 18 , 2019 | In primo piano
18 June 2019 PRESS RELEASE ICS MEETS IN FAROE ISLANDS – ICS TO PUSH FOR RAPID ACTION ON FURTHER CO2 REDUCTION BY INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING 2019 AGM Faroe Islands: Representatives of the world’s national shipowners’ associations met last week in the Faroe Islands...
Giu 17 , 2019 | In primo piano
In this issue: European Maritime Day sets focus on the blue economy; Common Information Sharing Environment enters transitional phase to be coordinated by EMSA; EMSA participates in Paris MoU annual committee meeting; European Community Shipowners’ Associations gather...
Giu 14 , 2019 | Eventi, In primo piano
CONFITARMA è Partner della 11° Edizione di Port&ShippingTech Main Conference della Genoa Shipping Week, il Forum Internazionale sull’innovazione e la cooperazione per lo sviluppo del Cluster Marittimo del Mediterraneo che si tiene a Genova dal 26 al 28...
Giu 11 , 2019 | In primo piano
Il Monthly Monitoring Report June 2019 dell’ECSA è disponibile nella sezione News dell’area riservata del sito.
Giu 8 , 2019 | In primo piano
London: Friday, 7 June 2019. Members of the shipping community, Flag States and Agencies from Gulf of Guinea gathered at the Headquarters of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) for a day-long symposium on Maritime Security in the Gulf of Guinea. The event,...
Giu 4 , 2019 | In primo piano, Studi
In advance of its AGM in the Faroe Islands next week, the global trade association for shipowners, the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), has launched its Annual Review 2019, providing in-depth insight into the most pressing issues confronting shipping, which...