ICS Leadership Insights monthly newsletter – December/January edition
Si segnala che il numero di Dicembre/Gennaio della Newsletter ICS Leadership Insights è disponibile a questo link: https://www.ics-shipping.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/ICS-Leadership-Insights-December-Jan-2021.pdf
ECSA Press release: European Shipowners call for further action in the Gulf of Guinea
Latest incident involving Danish frigate highlights severity of piracy threat in the Gulf of Guinea European shipowners are extremely concerned about piracy attacks in the Gulf of Guinea. The latest incident in South Nigeria, which involved a suspected pirate vessel...
2 e 3 dicembre 2021 – Milano – Connext 2021
Il 2 e 3 dicembre, oltre alle porte del MiCo apriranno anche quelle della spettacolare Expo 3D di Connext. La grande novità di quest’anno è infatti la dimensione virtuale che affianca l’evento fisico. In questo Video Tutorial vengono descritte le principali...
ICS Press Release: ICS urges WTO Director General to prioritise maritime transport in multilateral trade negotiations
30 November 2021 Credit: Shutterstock Geneva, Switzerland, 30 November 2021: The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) has called for maritime transport to be prioritised in multilateral trade negotiations ahead of high-level WTO meetings to take place this week....
ICS Press release: ‘Missed opportunity’ to decarbonise shipping at MEPC 77, says ICS
26 November 2021 IMO London headquarters. Credit: IMO London, 26 November 2021: Following the conclusion of the International Maritime Organisation’s (IMO) Maritime Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) 77, the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) have...
2 dicembre 2021 – Webinar – L’importanza strategica dell’Economia del Mare
L’Economia del Mare ha una importanza strategica notevolissima per il nostro Paese e, in modo specifico, per il Mezzogiorno. Un cluster economico di primaria grandezza, che si articola in una filiera estesa, trasversale a molti altri settori economici, che attraversa...
ICS Press release: Governments decide on International Chamber of Shipping USD5 billion R&D fund to accelerate zero-carbon shipping in first ‘litmus test’ of COP26 commitments
A previous MEPC meeting held at IMO headquarters in London, May 2019. Credit: IMO 22 November 2021 LONDON, UK – One week after Glasgow, 174 governments will meet this week at the International Maritime Organization (IMO) in London to address the pressing carbon...
CORONAVIRUS (2021): informazioni e news utili per gli operatori marittimi
CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) Riportiamo qui di seguito informazioni e news aggiornate provenienti da fonti nazionali, comunitarie ed internazionali. Nell'AREA del sito riservata agli ASSOCIATI sono disponibili le Circolari su questa problematica con le indicazioni della...
EMSA: Newsletter November 2021
In this issue: Recently published ‘Sounds’ study looks at underwater noise from shipping, its environmental impact and possible mitigation measures; EMSA adds RPAS capability for maritime surveillance over an extended coastal range; EMSA back-up vessel deployed for...
ICS Press Release: UN Global Compact and shipping industry confirm formation of ‘people-centred’ Task Force to ensure Just Transition to net-zero
Glasgow, 10 November 2021. In a landmark moment for maritime workers the formation of a Just Transition Maritime Task Force has been agreed to drive decarbonisation of the industry and support millions of seafarers through shipping’s green transition. The task force...