ICS Press release: Shipping industry welcomes Nigeria’s creation of ‘Deep Blue’ to stamp out piracy in the Gulf of Guinea
Nigerian Navy NNS Thunder (F90) Cutter. Credit: Shutterstock Thursday 10 June 2021: The Round Table of Shipowner Associations and OCIMF have expressed their full support for the launch of Nigeria’s Deep Blue Project....
ICS Press release: Stagnation in R&D investment creating unacceptable risk for industry zero emissions future
9 June 2021 The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) has warned that without decisive government signals declining levels of Maritime research and development could jeopardise industry’s ability to decarbonise. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA),...
EMSA: Newsletter June 2021
In this issue: Connect your expertise with EMSA: New e-Portal for Experts & Speakers; “Towards Zero Emissions Shipping” - EMSA workshop held on EMD2021; CISE in the maritime domain - workshop held on EMD2021; Baltic Sea countries participate in first regional...
ECSA press release: Study finds FuelEU Maritime may promote biofuels, raising substantial enforcement concerns
03 June 2021 A recent study on the upcoming FuelEU Maritime proposal finds that a promotion of biofuels may raise serious enforcement concerns, as a mandatory fuel standard is aimed to apply to fuels purchased also outside the EU. This could jeopardise the achievement...
ICS welcomes Mission Innovation’s ‘Mission for Shipping’ and highlights potential funding partnership with 5billion USD Maritime R&D Fund
2 June 2021 Credit: Shutterstock 2nd June, 2021. The global trade association for ship operators, the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), welcomes the launch of Mission Innovation’s ‘Mission for Shipping’. Announced today, which aims to enable 5% of the...
ECSA and ETF renew their joint call for prompt seafarers’ vaccination
02 June 2021 On the 21st of April 2021, the recognized European social partners of the maritime transport sector - ETF and ECSA - issued a Joint Statement on the recognition of seafarers as key workers that reiterates their previous calls for seafarers’ prompt...
Newsletter ICS Leadership Insight – Giugno 2021
Si segnala che il numero di Giugno della Newsletter ICS Leadership Insight è disponibile a questo link: https://www.ics-shipping.org/news-and-press/ics-leadership-insights/
Convegno “OCEANI SUNT SERVANDI. Proteggere il mare e le sue risorse – Il mare tra tutela ambientale, interessi economici e considerazioni strategiche”
Convegno “OCEANI SUNT SERVANDI. Proteggere il mare e le sue risorse - Il mare tra tutela ambientale, interessi economici e considerazioni strategiche” che si terrà nelle giornate di sabato 29 e lunedì 31 maggio a Venezia presso la Biblioteca dell’Istituto di Studi...
ECSA Press release: ECSA welcomes the communication on a new approach for a sustainable blue economy in the EU
18 May 2021 The European Commission published yesterday its communication on a new approach for a sustainable blue economy in the EU. This communication highlights the important role of all the sectors related to oceans, including shipping, to boost the green and...
Incontro in Confitarma con il SAN MARINO SHIP REGISTER
Il 18 maggio 2021 una delegazione del San Marino Ship Register, guidata dal Presidente Domenico Gianluca Miliziano, è stata ricevuta nella sede di Confitarma dal Direttore generale Luca Sisto, insieme ai Dirigenti Francesco Beltrano, Marco Quadrani e Leonardo Piliego.