ECSA Press Release: ECSA calls on the German Presidency to support a stronger European shipping industry
ECSA welcomes Germany taking over the rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union from 1 July, calling on the German Presidency to support a stronger European shipping industry in order to support a rapid European recovery. "Significant and...
Giornata del Marittimo 2020: Mario Mattioli: urgente azione umanitaria di tutti i Governi
“I lavoratori marittimi meritano il nostro sentito ringraziamento- afferma Mario Mattioli, presidente di Confitarma - ma ringraziarli non basta. Meritano - come Confitarma sta chiedendo ormai da mesi - un'azione umanitaria rapida e decisa da parte dei Governi di tutto...
Joint ECSA-ETF press release: Day of the Seafarer 2020: Let them go home!
Day of the Seafarer 2020: Let them go home! ECSA and the ETF: The EU has to start acting to resolve the current crew change crisis It seems like everybody is aware of the situation by now – due to COVID-19 travel restrictions, seafarers around the world have been...
ECSA Press Release: Major review of EU’s trade policy necessary to boost global economy after COVID-19
Following the announcement today by the European Commission for a major review of the EU's trade policy, ECSA voices its strong support in view of a much-needed stimulus to revitalise the global economy and the multilateral trading system. "The COVID-19 pandemic has...
ECSA Press Release: ECSA launches video #EveryShipmentCounts
Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the European shipping industry has been working hard to ensure that goods such as food and medical supplies, as well as energy supplies and the transport services continue to be delivered to millions of EU citizens. The video...
ECSA Press Release: European Maritime Social Partners call for Ministers of Health to assist in ensuring crew changes can take place in EU ports
Today ECSA and its social partner, the European Transport Workers' Federation (ETF), called on EU Ministers for Health, to assist in the implementation of the IMO protocols to ensure safe ship crew changes in the EU Member States’ ports without further delay. ...
ECSA Press Release: ECSA welcomes Council conclusions on EU Waterborne Transport Sector
The Council of Ministers of Transport adopted on 5 June its conclusions on "EU Waterborne Transport Sector – Future outlook: Towards a carbon-neutral, zero accidents, automated and competitive EU Waterborne Transport Sector". This decision endorses the Opatija...
Visita in Confitarma dell’Amm. Credendino, Comandante delle Scuole della Marina Militare
L’Amm. Enrico Credendino, neo Comandante delle Scuole della Marina Militare, ha fatto visita a Confitarma per proseguire e condividere con l’armamento nazionale la rotta comune già tracciata per rafforzare la marittimità del Paese anche attraverso la presenza nei...
Visita ufficiale dell’Amm. Agostini in Confitarma
Il 29 maggio, l'Amm. Fabio Agostini, Comandante dell’Operazione dell’Unione europea Eunavformed Irini, ha incontrato presso la sede di Confitarma il Direttore Generale Luca Sisto. Prosegue la consolidata sinergia tra industria armatoriale e l’operazione Eunavformed...
ICS Press Release: New ICS research a ‘ray of light’ amongst the COVID-19 clouds
May 21, 2020 The COVID-19 pandemic is creating significant challenges for ship operators and seafarers, but new research from the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) has highlighted that, for users of its ISF Watchkeeper software, incidents of non-conformities...