Joint Open Letter to United Nations agencies from the global maritime transport industry
Mar 19, 2020 Download free Coronavirus (COVID-19) guidance to help protect the health of seafarers (and passengers) as well as the general public here. JOINT OPEN LETTER TO UNITED NATIONS AGENCIES FROM THE GLOBAL MARITIME TRANSPORT INDUSTRY FACILITATING CREW CHANGES...
Covid-19: proposte Confitarma per il Governo. Mario Mattioli scrive alla Ministra De Micheli
Joint letter by ECSA and ETF to the Council on urgent regulatory measures for the shipping industry
The shipping industry urgently needs special regulatory measures and actions to prevent a total collapse of seaborne trade to and from the EU Dear Minister, The outbreak of the corona virus (COVID-19) has developed into a catastrophic event affecting many countries...
Intervista di Mario Mattioli a La Repubblica-Genova, 16 03 2020
ECSA Press Release: ECSA fully welcomes the Ministerial Declaration on Waterborne Transport
ECSA welcomes the Declaration on Waterborne Transport issued yesterday at the High Level Maritime Ministerial Conference organised by the Croatian Presidency in Opatija. Entitled "Towards a carbon-neutral, zero accidents, automated and competitive EU...
ECSA: Monthly monitoring report march 2020
Il Monthly Monitoring Report march 2020 dell’ECSA è disponibile nella sezione News dell’area riservata del sito.
ICS Press Release: International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) issues new Coronavirus (COVID-19) guidance for shipping industry
Mar 05, 2020 Document produced in collaboration with international bodies; WHO, IMO, ECDC and IMHA. Thursday 5th March – The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) has issued brand new guidance for the global shipping industry to help combat the spread of the...
ICS Press Release: Shipowners and operators could face detention of ships from 1st March under IMO rule
1 March 2020 – Port state control authorities will begin to enforce the IMO’s Sulphur 2020 from 1st March, making it an offense for ships to carry fuel that contains a sulphur content higher than 0.5 percent unless the ship has an Exhaust Gas Cleaning System. The...
ICS Press Release: International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) meet with World Health Organization (WHO) to discuss impact of COVID-19
FEBRUARY 26 2020, International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) Secretary General, Guy Platten, will lead a delegation of industry leaders to meet with the World Health Organization (WHO) in Geneva. COVID-19 is having a significant impact on the shipping sector and the...
EMSA: Newsletter february 2020
In this issue: Port state control: THETIS-Med enters into service; EMSA holds IMSAS preparatory training session; EMSA hosts study visit from Albanian maritime authorities; RPAS surveillance flights being used to enhance fisheries control; Improving Satellite-AIS...