Ecsa Press Release: ECSA launches its Maritime Growth Plan for “Sustainable Maritime Jobs, Growth and Competitiveness”
ECSA is launching its ambitious Maritime Growth plan today at an event attended by Member States, the European Commission, the European Parliament and its social partners. The Maritime transport sector is vital to the lives of Europeans and is of great strategic...
“Il Mediterraneo. Quale navigazione? Quali rotte per l’Italia?”- Roma 31 ottobre 2019
Al termine dell'Assemblea annuale di Confitarma si terrà il Convegno "Il Mediterraneo. Quale navigazione? Quali rotte per l'Italia?” organizzato da Confitarma in collaborazione con Diplomatia e Istituto Italiano di Navigazione
La brochure dell'IMO sulla riduzione dei gas serra prodotti dallo shipping mondiale è disponibile cliccando qui
Assemblea Confitarma, Roma – 31 ottobre 2019
EMSA: Newsletter october 2019
In this issue: Ship-to-shore reporting – simplifying the work of ship and coastal station operators; Common Information Sharing Environment – transitioning to the operational phase; Ensuring the safe operation of ro-ro & high-speed passenger ships; EMSA hosts Sea...
Ecsa Press Release: The European shipping industry urges the EU to bolster maritime security in the Gulf of Guinea
The Gulf of Guinea remains a high-risk area for piracy and armed robbery. European shipowners are extremely concerned about the escalating rate of piracy incidents and the continued levels of violence in the Gulf of Guinea. The latest International Maritime Bureau...
ECSA Press Release – Brexit: European shipping industry urges for negotiated settlement that includes transition period
In a letter today to the EU's Chief Negotiator for the exit of the UK from the EU, Mr Michel Barnier, ECSA and its member the UK Chamber of Shipping strongly urge for a negotiated settlement that includes a transition period. "Given the importance of an orderly exit...
Ecsa Press Release: ECSA’s General Assembly: Claes Berglund and Philippos Philis as next President and Vice-President
At its meeting on 2 October that met in Athens, the General Assembly of ECSA decided on the organisation's President and Vice-President. The President for the next 2 years is Claes Berglund. Mr Berglund is Director Public Affairs & Sustainability of Stena AB. He...
Ecsa Press Release: Transport coalition stresses the need for more EU budget
More EU budget for transport is the best investment plan for Europe. . ECSA reiterates its call for strong financial support from the EU, in a joint campaign with more than 40 European associations and organisations To move towards a truly climate-neutral, green,...
EMSA: Newsletter september 2019
In this issue: EMSA makes data on marine casualties and incidents public, Pilot project adds eCertificates to THETIS inspection database, Georgia latest country to join the EU LRIT Cooperation Data Centre, EMSA RPAS give real time support during oil spill response...