Il 17 settembre 2019, a Roma presso la sede di Confitarma, si è tenuta una riunione dell’European Panel dell’Intertanko, presieduta da Tommy Olofsen, CCO e DCEO di OSM Maritime Group, alla quale hanno partecipato circa 30 membri del Panel provenienti da Belgio, Danimarca, Germania, Italia, Norvegia, Svezia, Regno Unito, Stati Uniti oltre a Sam Megwa, Deputy-Director dell’OCIMF (Oil Company International Marine Forum).
Carlo Cameli, Presidente della Commissione Navigazione Oceanica di Confitarma, ha svolto il saluto di benvenuto.
INTERTANKO, l’associazione internazionale che riunisce gli armatori di navi cisterna, è presieduta da Paolo d’Amico, presidente d’Amico Società di Navigazione Spa e past president Confitarma.
Riportiamo qui di seguito il comunicato stampa diramato da Intertanko con i link alle presentazioni illustrate nel corso dell’incontro
INTERTANKO’s European Panel Meets in Rome, 17 September
INTERTANKO’s European Panel met at the offices of the Italian Shipowners’ Association, CONFITARMA, earlier this week in Rome. Chaired by Mr Tommy Olofsen of OSM Ship Management, attendees considered a broad range of INTERTANKO issues from the Strategic Work Plan including a detailed report on the 2020 sulphur cap and the work of the Human Element in Shipping Committee (HEiSC).
The Panel’s first task of the meeting, however, was to elect its Chairman whereupon the Panel was unanimous in re-electing Mr Olofsen for his second term as Chairman.
OCIMF’s Deputy Director, Mr Sam Megwa, opened the meeting with a keynote presentation on OCIMF’s recent Strategy Review. In an informative presentation, Mr Megwa provided the Panel with a detailed explanation of OMCIF’s new strategy which focused on determining work items based on a risk-assessment approach. This risk-assessment-based approach to OCMIF’s strategy would also be used in the organisation’s review of the Vessel Inspection Programme (VIP). Part of the strategy was also to establish some new working groups, specifically on human factors, technology and regulations.
The Panel then turned to INTERTANKO issues, kicking off with regional items and a detailed report and update on developments in Brussels provided by ADS Insight’s Lotten Kronudd. Ms Kronudd provided an update on the recent Parliamentary elections and the governance changes in Brussels, explaining how these changes may impact key shipping policy items including air emissions and ship recycling.
Ms Kronudd’s presentation is available to view here.
Following on from the European presentation, Mr Dragos Rauta provided the Panel with two detailed reports on GHGs and the 2020 sulphur cap. In the latter, Rauta was able to provide answers to a number of detailed implementation questions from members of the Panel and also reference the new INTERTANKO 2020 Practical Guide which aims to address many of Members’ more detailed questions on the IMO’s various guidance and regulations.
Rauta’s 2020 Presentation can be viewed here.
INTERTANKO’s Environment Director Mr Tim Wilkins provided the Panel with an update on environmental issues, while INTERTANKO’s Marine Director, Dr Philip Belcher, provided an update on the Straits of Hormuz issue as part of a wider security update.
Wilkins’ presentation can be viewed here.
The meeting was rounded off by Ms Luciana Maccarone from d’Amico Societa di Navigazione SpA who, as Chairman of HEiSC, was able to provide attendees with an overview of the key projects being worked on through the HEiSC.
Ms Maccarone ran through details of the OCIMF/INTERTANKO Safety Initiatives, INTERTANKO Competence Management Guide, Maritime Academy Training Project, Together in Safety, the INTERANKO Human Resource Maturity Model and Seafarer Welfare. Particular emphasis was placed on the work relating to Behavioural Competency (BCAV) which is seen as one of many examples of INTERTANKO’s strong, ongoing collaboration with OCIMF.
Ms Maccarone’s presentation is available to view here.
INTERTANKO is extremely grateful to the Secretariat and members of CONFITARMA for assisting with and hosting the European Panel meeting and to Mr Carlo Cameli for coordinating the event in Rome.
All presentations from the event can be found in the ‘Presentations’ area of our website.